The Blog
The garden view might be serenely peaceful, but I'm busy in my office like a squirrel preparing for winter.
I have been measuring, photographing,...
When the bright autumn colors have faded, nature relieves a new color palette in elegant shades of brown, from beige to dark chocolate. There are...
It was a still, grey day. The clouds were hanging low, water dripped from the eaves, and fog lingered around us. The grounds were empty, almost...
I remember when I had filled our garden with the same plant species that thrived in my parents' garden.
Big mistake!
I wasn´t...
Spring bulbs can prolong the flowering season profoundly. However, it takes some planning to make it successful. Here are three rules of thumb...
They often say, 'the yard renovation is challenging to start and easy to postpone,' and I fully understand. If you don't have a clear vision and...
One way to build a sustainable garden is to recycle materials as much as possible.
You might already have a pile of old concrete slabs in your...
Where would you start if you had two rectangular planting areas over 1000 square feet / 100 square meters in total to fill with perennial flowers?...
Color matter! Whether it's your hair, home decor, a new blouse .. or a flower pot!
Colors are powerful as they can enhance your mood and give you...
When choosing surface materials for your backyard, there are two ways to go: you can either use hard surfaces or loose surface materials. This...
I don't know about you, but sounds are vital to me. I get refreshed by the sound of birdsong and uplifting music, and the same goes with opposite...
You have a backyard (check!) and you're ready to start creating your garden (check!). And now… you don't know where to start. Practically...