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Birds' song is part of well-being garden.

Reduce Stress By Listening To Birds' Song In Your Garden

low-maintenance garden well-being garden

The other day, I discussed birds' songs with my sister via phone while I was on my daily walk. I had stopped listening to a beautiful, versatile bird song that I did not recall to who it belonged. My sister told me that there was a list of TOP 10 bird songs on the internet. It was like a bird song karaoke. (You can listen these Finnish nature sounds in HERE.)

The most popular singers on the list were:

  1. Blackbird - a versatile selection of themes even in wintertime
  2. Dunnock - proud and loud
  3. Robin - skillful, but pretty unknown as a singer
  4. Cuckoo - popular summer sound
  5. Whooper swan -  an easily recognizable trumpeter
  6. Corncrake - very unique and peculiar, and that makes it highly popular
  7. Black-throated loon - it brings to your mind still lakes and long nordic summer nights filled with light
  8. Curlew - open fields and summertime
  9. Wood grouse - once heard, and you want to listen to it again.
  10. Eagle owl - hoo-hooooee, who wouldn't like that?

Many birds' songs make us feel happy. Some are fun, peculiar, and full of surprises—some songs we might even find irritating.




The Most Restorative Birds' Songs 

There is a study about which birds' sounds are the most restorative. According to the survey, the most refreshing birds' song seems to be quiet, high frequency, or have a level of complexity such as a melody.

For example, songbirds have a melody in their singing. It is well-received by people as it sounds musical and pleasant.

How many of the most restorative birds' songs have you heard from the following TOP10 list?

The most restorative birds' song TOP10:

  1. Dunnock
  2. Greenfinch
  3. Blackbird
  4. Silvereye (Australian)
  5. Brown hornbill (Australian)
  6. Blue tit
  7. Goldfinch
  8. Robin
  9. Wren
  10. House sparrow

How fun would it be to have these birds singing in your own garden? Enjoying their soothing sounds and feel the therapeutic effect on your health?

Based on a survey, many of us feel happy when hearing the blackbird sing for the first time in spring. So did I.


Birds Are Also Good For Your Garden

Did you know that birds are super helpful at keeping your garden healthy? Birds provide natural pest control for your garden by eating aphids, caterpillars, slugs, and some of them even eat snails. How good is that!



PS. You might also like to dig deeper and discover the three different ways how the sounds of nature affect our well-being. In my previous blog post, you'll find a list of 10 favorite Woodland Sounds too. Read more HERE >




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