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Forest bathing and sounds of nature are a part of a well-being Garden

Sounds Of Nature Boost Your Wellbeing in 3 Ways

seasonal & sustainable gardening well-being gardens

How are you feeling, my friend?

If you could decide, which one of the following alternatives would you choose right now:
a) feeling more relaxed
b) feeling less stressed or
c) feeling less anxiety?

When I consider this question I would choose a) feeling more relaxed, I guess. I think that improving a would make the b and c to follow like dominos. Being in a relaxed state of mind or at last returning back to it in the evenings would prevent stress and anxiety to build up in the long run. However, in other circumstances I might choose differently.


Sounds of Nature Have a Direct Impact On Your Wellbeing 

In a recent study it was found that the sounds of the natural world relaxes us more than if we listen to a voiced meditation app, and in the tests, reduced feelings of stress and anxiety by over a fifth.

If we compare the effects of the sounds of the natural world and a voiced meditation app, the results differ from each other. The voiced meditation app had no effect at all in a) feeling of relaxation category. However it was more effective in reducing both stress and anxiety.

The sounds of nature gave relief in all three categories. It can be said that woodland sounds have a direct impact on our wellbeing, making us more relaxed, less stressed and less anxious.

In addition to previous benefits almost 40 % states that hearing their favourite woodland sounds make them happy.


Use sounds of nature to recover from stress

Like Dr Eleanor Ratcliffe says ”Experience of nature can benefit health and wellbeing, including recovery from everyday psychological stress” and continues ” These sounds offer a way to connect with nature no matter where you are.

So what kind of sounds the study is referring? It refers to multitude sounds of nature, such as lifting birdsong above, rustling of trees in the wind and trickling water in a stream.

Here is the list of 10 Favourite Woodland Sounds:
1. Birdsong
2. A running stream
3. Wind rustling tree leaves
4. Silence
5. Twigs snapping underfoot
6. Animal noises
7. Wind whistling through trees
8. Rain falling on leaves
9. Conkers hitting the ground
10. Squelching of mud

Don’t you just feel more relaxed even after just reading this list? I do.


Your Garden connects you with nature

And the best part: Most of these sounds you can experience in your own garden. Just open the door and step outdoors. Listen carefully …. What is your favourite nature sound?

Have a lovely day, my friend.



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