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The Blog

Prep Your Garden for Spring Parties and Beyond

As the last remnants of winter melt away and the promise of spring beckons, it's time to turn our attention to our outdoor sanctuaries. After...

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Unsure Which Colors to Choose for Your Flower Pots and Planters? Read this.

Color matter! Whether it's your hair, home decor, a new blouse .. or a flower pot!

Colors are powerful as they can enhance your mood and give you...

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How To Rebloom Your Amaryllis Bulbs

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) is a glorious plant to gift and receive, and it brings the joy of Christmas to both the giver and the recipient.


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How to Get Your Orchids to Bloom Again

Our guests sometimes ask me, "Sari, how do you get your orchids to bloom again year after year" and I tell them, as I will do now to you, my little...

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Grow These Dahlias for Sunset-colored Combo

Dahlias are STRONG, BRAVE, and FIERY flowers that shine brightly until the first nights of frost. It can be said that they live to the fullest...

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Create a Modern Danish-Scandinavian Style Garden

Over the years, I have been familiar with MANY styles - both interior styles and garden styles.

I have learned that the best combo is created...

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