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Why Understanding Your Garden Design Style Is Essential in Planning Your Backyard

garden design basics

You have a backyard (check!) and you're ready to start creating your garden (check!). And now… you don't know where to start. Practically you got all it takes, but you have too many options, making you feel overwhelmed. 

People say," Enjoy your garden making," but how can you enjoy it when you cannot even start the process of planning your yard. So let's get to the bottom of the problem, get you some guidelines to follow, and make it a breeze to begin planning and collecting pins to your mood boards for your dream garden.


Start From The Inside Out

When planning your backyard, where do you start? Do you check your garden's surroundings first? Or your home's architecture? Or maybe you'll scan your neighbor's yard and take what's thriving there? They all are important things to study, but do you know what's even more essential?

Start planning your backyard with your personality in mind.

I know, I know. It's hugely important to study your garden's surroundings - understand the thriving vegetation, the feel of the neighborhood, the style of your house, the topography of your site, and all the things that affect your site's microclimate. They all are essential, and we can't forget them.

However, you're after a cohesive look that makes you feel good. The aim is to create a feel-good factor and connect your outdoor space fluently with the indoors.

So keep reading. There is a reason for this approach.


You Are The ONE

Truth: you are the one who is creating an inspiring and cozy outdoor space for you and your loved ones to spend time together. You are the one who is enjoying and taking care of your garden. 

Most importantly, I want you to be at the center of your garden design process. You should feel inspired and creative and gain health benefits as then you're happier, more joyful, and have the energy to do good and have a positive effect on your family and the environment.

Feeling aligned with your surroundings makes you feel relaxed, confident, and ready for anything!


It Sure Does Take Discipline

When you put yourself in the center stage while designing your garden, you got to be true to yourself. You also got to find the core, the true essence of yourself— as most of us like many things, styles, and preferences. That is ok. We are very flexible human beings. 

However, when designing, you got to focus. You have to figure out the main guidelines to follow when planning your backyard. You have to be ready to discard the options that don't match the style you're after. Then and only then can you create a coherent look for your outdoor space or any other thing you're making. 

You can't include everything and then some as it would only make you distracted, feeling unease and restless.

It's a little bit like uncluttering - you keep things that spark joy to you (like Marie Condo would say) and then say" no thank you" to the rest.

Being disciplined has a HUGE benefit: Trust your personality, focus on keeping the look cohesive, and you'll have your dream garden in the making!




One of the fastest ways to figure out your garden design style is to take my Garden Design Style quiz. Originally, I created it for my clients to help them discover their style and give me a tool to get to know them better even before we met for the first time and started a design project together. 









Turn your Pinterest board full of garden dreams into reality with a set of solid guidelines to follow. It takes only 3 minutes, but the results will serve you for a lifetime.