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Frosty Aesculus leaves in the garden in winter.

How To Make Your Garden Look Better In Winter

seasonal garden ideas

Flat and bare.

Those are the words that often come to mind when you think about the garden's most common problems during winter.

And the problem has its' root in the glorious spring.

We get excited about planning our gardens in spring when everything is fresh green, plants grow fast, and you can't help admiring what is happening in your garden when nature awakens.

We rush to garden centers and choose plants from the selection full of blooming perennials that flower in spring and early summer. They grab our attention, and soon, the whole garden might be full of early summer flowering plants.

Then autumn and winter arrive. The leaves start falling, and snow covers the garden. Suddenly the garden looks bare... and FLAT. How did that happen?

The more snow you get, the flatter your garden looks. It's beautifully white but empty. All beautiful perennials hide under the blanket of snow.



Add One Of These to Make Your Garden Look Better In Winter

The time to figure out that problem is NOW. Don't wait until next winter.

If your goal is to make your garden look beautiful in wintertime, you need to add vertical lines like garden structures or other upright elements. Your garden needs height and differentiation of levels to make it exciting.

You might want to add one or more of the following into your garden:

  • pergola
  • pergola bench
  • trellis
  • obelisk
  • raised beds
  • high planters, or
  • statue as a focal point.

All these features would add some height and vertical lines. They make your garden more exciting while offering an eye a place to pause and rest.



Winter Garden Needs Good Bones

By adding permanent structures or other vertical features to your garden, you create good bones that support your planting and make your garden look attractive in all seasons. In that way, your garden won't look bare or flat when winter comes and snow covers the ground.

Consider the color or unique texture if you want to add even one more layer to your structures and other garden features.



I hope this was helpful. To figure out the perfect features for your garden, take my Garden Style Quiz, which shows you the style guidelines for creating a cohesive look for your garden. You can take the quiz >>HERE<<.







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