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Garden makeover helped this family to create a playfield on a sloping site.

How To Make Your Garden Feel Bigger

client case studies starting a garden

I guess you're the lucky one who has your own garden, terrace, or balcony. A place outdoors that you can call your own.

Especially this year, when the 'everyday' life and borders around us have been shut down, owning space for gardening has been a real oasis in the middle of all turmoil. It has offered an opportunity to be outside, connect to nature, and have hands-on things. It has helped forget the worries even for a second, relieving stress, and given confidence that everything will be ok eventually. 



I can tell you that I have spent most of last spring and summer in our garden. Except traveling for work and visiting clients in their gardens, there has been no need, or even opportunity, to explore further.

I have enjoyed lunch breaks and summer evenings on the terrace. I have observed as seasons go by, and blossoms follow each other in an uninterrupted sequence. I have planted more dahlias, added new pots for tomatoes and herbs, and enlarged our kitchen garden. 

Life has been as normal as possible inside hedges surrounding our garden. The garden has been the center of our existence for many months.  


When you have an opportunity to spend so much time in your garden, you learn to know it better. I might even say that you'll create a more meaningful relationship with it. 

You'll notice a want to take care of it, tender it, and make it beautiful, sustainable, and even better than before. 

As you have had this gift of time, you might have found forgotten and unused areas in your garden. Areas that could be made more beautiful and purposeful. Actually, there are quite often parts in the gardens that their owners have not even 'registered.' They might be quite large areas indeed.

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Seeing new opportunities

Here is the garden straight AFTER the makeover. Can you see how much more space they got? Now there is a much hoped for trampoline and a whole new level field for kids and the family to play together outdoors. 

When designing or consulting my clients, they feel that their garden grows in size. We have found new areas and room for the whole new activities. There have been opportunities to grow more and make the garden even more beautiful than previously.

When looking closer and seeing your garden with 'fresh eyes', you'll notice that you no more want to waste any space on your gorgeous place on this earth. There are no' lost opportunities' in your garden.


Savor the knowledge that you have gained about your garden during past months. You might have noticed problems to solve and areas that you would like to improve. How about the unused parts of your garden? There lays a seed for great new opportunities. 


Seeing new opportunities to turn the narrow strip beside the house turned into  a lovely stepping stone path. It has become a favorite place for children to run around the house and pick wild strawberries growing between the natural stone slabs.

For not to forget all the things that you have noticed during the last couple of months, it's time to take action.

  1. Make some notes and even more. Write down all the things that you were considering regarding your garden last spring and summer. Just write it all down and add to it during the next couple of days. It does not have to be structured yet. It is your resource of notes and ideas for further use. It will be golden when you start to take action and design the areas.
  2. Take some photographs and archive them. It's great to have photos ready when you feel the itch to start planning new things.
  3. Send me your question, if you found problems or other challenges that hold you back to move forward with your garden project. Click here to get an A to your Q.

Fabulous! Looking forward to what new opportunities you've found and how we are gonna improve them!


PS. I have taken these photos in my clients' gardens. A huge thank you for them! The drawings were first published in a Finnish garden magazine called Viherpiha. For the magazine, I wrote an 11 part garden design series giving tips, inspiration, and showing several examples from the gardens that I had designed. 


Turn your Pinterest board full of garden dreams into reality with a set of solid guidelines to follow. It takes only 3 minutes, but the results will serve you for a lifetime.